NYTC Friday Night Doubles are offered on a walk-in basis for social doubles, which takes place weekly from May to October. Our Friday Night Doubles are from 7:00pm to 10:00pm (last session) across all four of our courts. All adult members of the club are welcome and encouraged to participate in our Friday Night Doubles. There is no advance sign-up required, all you have to do is come out to play; it’s a great way to get your weekend started. It is organized by a member of the Executive, our Club Manager and one of our Court Monitors. Members rotate on and off the courts partnering up with different members. This is not a competitive program and is all about having fun on the courts and meeting other members. We also encourage new members of the club to participate in this program to get the opportunity to play with different members and enjoy our beautiful courts! For more information about what our Friday Night Doubles are all about, please contact Jennifer, Club Manager, at clubmanager@nytc.ca |